will feral kittens stay together in the wild or do they go there own ways

by Ginea Lenaza
(cleveland ohio)

feral kittens with they stay together in the wild or do
they go there own way


First, you didn’t say how old the kittens were, and secondly…are they male or female? So I’ll try and give a general response to touch upon the topic. Typically in the wild, male and female cats usually don’t spend much time together unless they are mating. The enduring relationship seems to be between a mother cat and both her male and female kittens. Female feral cats will band together to raise their kittens and form colonies that add to their safety. Male feral cats will sometimes join together to defend a common territory.

Feral kittens that are from the same litter may remain together for a time but they face disease, cars, predators and starvation that may separate them. One goes to seek food and never returns. Plus, the female kitten can be impregnated as young as 4 months old and have several litters a year. Please read my pages on Cat Colonies and Feral Cats for some more information.

If you have discovered feral kittens there are alternatives to leaving them in the wild. An excellent resource is Alley Cat Allies and a couple more listed on the Feral Cats page. If they are under 8 weeks there may be hope to socialize them so they can be adopted. And, there are always exceptions like my Chanel #5 who was 6 months old and has become domesticated although it took many months of diligent and dedicated effort.

If you want to supply more information, then I can try to address your specific issues.

Comments for will feral kittens stay together in the wild or do they go there own ways

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Jun 06, 2024
My feral family NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a pregnant feral cat show up in Spring 2023 and had 5 kittens in our shed. One kitten disappeared but we live in an area of raccoons, fox, owls…No one would help us with capturing, so my husband and I befriended and fed them for 2 months. We slowly moved the food near a large cage. When my Vet agreed to help us get them spayed and vaccinated, the day came to get them all in the cage at feeding time and quickly close the door. We were able to catch all 4 kittens and mom. They freaked out when the door closed but we covered the cage with a blanket and they calmed down. Next morning the Vet and her assistants vaccinated and spayed all the cats and clipped an ear to show they were spayed.3 female kittens and 1 male and they all are different colors and patterns. A year later all remain on our farm and come for feedings twice a day. Although I can pet 3 of them, they remain feral and wouldn’t let us pick them up. They anll stayed and are loving and entertaining and they keep the mice and vole population down. We gave them a nice wooden home on our porch for winter but they prefer the cardboard boxes on top of the house to sleep in. Glad to help them survive and flourish!

Sep 21, 2023
Feral Group of Cats
by: Cinda

5 years ago a cat had a litter of 5 kittens. I trapped them all had they spayed / neutered and released them back to our farm. I've got chickens and they help with mice. They are all black and look alike so I've never been able to maintain understanding which were male/female etc. I have 3 that stay together. They come up to me and want fed in the morning. They intertwine their tails( all 3 )when they walk and are very bonded. I just wonder if they are male or female. There is one more cat that comes and goes but seems to be very feral. These other three love to run up to me with they see me. Male or Female???? Any GUESS?

Aug 11, 2022
Feral cats CAN stuck together NEW
by: Anonymous

We had a domesticated female cat who had three feral kittens 2 years and 4 months ago. All 4 cats reside outside on our patio, The mother rarely leave the other 3 (1 make and 2 females) roam freely, but still show up each day and night to eat and sleep for the most part. They all are still very loving and attached to the mother. All were spade and neutered within the first 3 months of staying here. We call them our Covid kitties, as the mother was dumped out here at the beginning of covid. The girls stay closer to the mama and the male is more independent. He has taken off on two occasions for a week, but has safely made it back from where we he wandered to. We think he may have been accidentally locked in someone's barn or garage on those 2 occasions. We feel lucky to have them in our lives.

Jul 20, 2021

ENIE(Goodness Gracious),MENIE(Gracious Goodness),MINIE(Que Bonita),& BIG MO....BEAUTIFUL!

Jul 10, 2021
Feral kittens lost in the woods
by: Carol

Hello the mother cat and 3 kitties were eating here in the morning. Only one kitty stayed and the mother cst came to eat occasionally. The last time I saw all of them was June 20 I just trap one-off the kitty they are around 12 weeks.
The Mom comes to eat and I want to trap her and get her fixed. I am so sad the other 2 kitties have not come back. How can I find them?
I live in the suburbs but lots of woods behind me
Hopi gyoucan give me some suggestions

May 13, 2020
Feral cat becomes domesticated
by: Anonymous

I had a female feral cat who was hungry so I fed her and she kept coming back. She ended up getting pregnant and had only one kitten in her litter so I kept them safe for the winter indoors but would let her out everyday because she would meow at the door. Long story short after a few months I official adopted them both. Turned out the mother cat was about 2 years old. I didn’t have to train her to use a liter box and she naturally trained her kitten. I had them both fix and now they’re both indoor/outdoor cats. They’re both domesticated, trained to sit on command but get scared very easily with other people around. Now if only I can get them to stay off the sofa when I’m not around smh lol

Jul 17, 2019
Ferrel cats
by: Anonymous

I had a ferrel cat show up at my door she was skin and bones only took a couple days of leaving food then a trail of food leading in side my house after only 3 or 4 days she was jumping up on my lap but would run if I tried to pet her the thing I found strange is she would attack any other cats but has never been afraid or aggressive with my little 20 lb dog they sometimes almost try to play but mostly just ignore each other I had her spayed and she's been living with me for little over a year I think she knew she was on her way to starving to death and figured she had no choice but to trust someone lucky for her she found the right place and now has a good life and is living large seriously she's a fatty now and very lovable to me anyway

Oct 09, 2017
found a kitten in the backyard
by: Tichona

I found a tabby kitten in my backyard this morning, I waited 5 hours to see if the mom was coming back but it never did, so I brought it in. I'm unsure how old it is. its ears are normal, it can walk but clumsily, it has teeny baby teeth and it comes towards me when it sees me move. I bought kitten food that is like liquid milk and a kitten bottle (it doesn't like the bottle much so I'm improvising by slowly pouring it in). would you know how I can tell how old it is and when I can give it actual cat food? Also, I have a calico who is 2 years old and I was wondering how do I make my cat like the kitten? my cat is very playful and predatory towards bugs and every time she sees the kitten her pupils dilate and she tries to bite her. when she does bite her the kitten does not cry so I am wondering if she is giving small bites. should I allow her to keep trying to play with the kitten or would she actually be trying to hurt the kitten?

Jul 20, 2017
Angel Kitty, Feral Boy
by: Cherie Lebrun

My feral, Angel, whom we thought was a girl, about 7 months when I realized he was staying under the old back porch in Appalachian hills of Ohio. All alone outside, went to neighbor's house, around, and back, mostly at mine. I made a huge error and left kibbles outside. Every Tom Dick & Harry came. Angel ran from all of them, a small boy. He must be about a year now, but progress has been slow. Here 4 months now. He is a boy, we learned, after neighbor trapped him and we got him fixed at shelter. He is deathly afraid of humans. Starting to come out when my friend comes over to help me with the old 2-story school house. I still can't pick him up. He escaped one day, only out there 1-1/2 hours, and returned, running like crazy from the middle of the 1/2 acre in the back from woods or from the other side. sometimes he whines to come out. Now i can pet him and stroke him, but after 4-5 strokes, he moves over, begs for it again. Used an infant brush attached to a wand from an interactive toy with a fish hanging from it. First slide by my legs a few days ago. Still can't stoop, and must stand slowly. Very afraid of being grabbed. Some of the young ferals come down from the woods lining all the acreage on the outskirts of Zanesville. It was obvious he had no human contact, no knowledge of house noises, utilities, washer, dryer. He plays with me, ping pong, down the stairs, and back up, and has come a long way with a lot of patience and work. I wonder if something happened to his mother or siblings as he was ALWAYS alone outside. He should be coming to 1 year b/day. Still a small boy, however. 8 pounds when captured, but he did not see me trap him, he saw the neighbor and stayed there 2 nights. Deathly afraid of dogs and large Tom Cats too, or large birds. He heard an eagle rescued on TV squeaking away, ran to the living room, then ran immediately under the couch. Very neat, sweet boy. Wish I could post a photo. Really want to pick him up and take him to the doctor to get booster and check up, plus put him in a cat stroller, etc. I cannot afford all the bills associated with outdoor/indoor cats and this is a wild area, coyotes, etc. etc. rural. Any suggestions on how to get him closer so I can pick him up and put him in his canvas carrier? Why wasn't he with any siblings and afraid of all the other cats? He would leap from the yard, even stand on the neighbor's low roof, watching until they left my yard. Runs and hides when people here as well. Poor doll. Thanks.

May 21, 2017
Re: What happened to moma
by: Tdawg

Sometimes feral mothers will abandon their young if humans are seen interacting with them... I'm not sure why, it's just what I read... Maybe they know they'll be taken care of, or maybe they feel betrayed and replaced... Who knows! Doesn't mean she's dead just because she's missing (@anonymous! :| )

Oct 16, 2016
Cat gone
by: Anonymous

I'm sure she dead

Sep 14, 2016
What happened to Moma
by: Jill Wise

I've had a sweet feral female come to my porch all last winter. Very feral but got yo where she would be looking in the window when I woke up- waiting for food. She had 4 babies in the spring & I suspected but wasnt sure until they came out from under the porch to plsy/nurse at ~4 weeks. I msde arrangements to spay/neuter/ear tip but could never catch moma. Caught all kittens several times, raccoons but not moma. She suddenly dusappeared during her heat cycle & I've been very sad/worried that a fix/coyotte got her :(. Babies are tame & finally weigh enough to have fixed.
Is it typical for moma to leave abruptly during heat? I had planned to spay her & feed her forever :(. Kittens can be adopted out since they tamed up sfter mom left.

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