Olifactory fatigue

by Michelle

I just purchased a flea collar for my cat. The smell is pretty strong, but I know will fade over time and I know the scent is part of getting rid of the fleas (which he doesn't have, but I want to be sure he doesn't).

Having it so close to my cat's face I know is probably bothering him, as cats use their sense of smell so much.

Will he get olifactory fatigue over time, so I don't need to worry about this, or should I throw it out and get one that is not so strong?


I haven't used flea collars on my cats for a number of years because I prefer the monthly Revolution application at the back of the neck.

When I did use them, I don't recall ever having one with a strong odor. If it was my cat, I'd throw this one out and get another that had a very mild odor.

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