by Rosie
(USA Hartland Maine )
My little cat Minnie who is about 6 months old started to swell up in the belly thought she was pregnant but noticed nipples were not swelled up with milk her face swelled up brought her to the vet he took a sample of fluid out of her belly and it was gold collared and I think kinda sticky and the vet said it was f.i.p her swelling went down a little but (last nite she swelled up all over face legs neck stomach all super large is... that a normal part of the wet form this my question)..i am putting her to sleep tomorrow the earliest I could get a ride to the vet her appetite is still good & she is full of love I talk with her to let her know I love her and that soon she will go to sleep & be in peace
Tears flooded my eyes when reading your note. I know how very hard it is to make this kind of decision...but it is the kindest choice for your beloved Minnie.
I send heartfelt sympathy wishes to you.
For those of our readers that don't understand what F.I. P. entails, I have added the link below.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis
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