High level of protein in blood sample

by Sarah
(Milton Keynes)

My cat is drinking excessive amounts of water but also urinating everywhere.

The vet has done an initial blood test which identified unusually high levels of protein in his blood.

What could be the prognosis? The vet has suggested further tests need doing but I have no pet insurance and she mentioned it could be very expensive.


There are a number of reasons for high protein levels in the feline blood and your vet is trying to zero in on the specific reason your cat has this level. They include dehydration, chronic infection, cancer, and kidney disease. There are other reasons such as inflammation but one of the most common ones is kidney disease.

You didn’t mention how old your cat is but it is more common in cats over 10 years old. The signs of increased thirst and increased urination are a couple of the major signs. Weight loss, dental disease, a loss of appetite and vomiting also are indicators.

This is a progressive disease and the spread of the disease varies in each cat. The unfortunate thing is that abnormal levels of protein waste build up in the blood with kidney disease but cats with kidney disease lose more protein and it’s difficult to regulate in order to maintain a properly functioning body.

The more complete description is on the page Feline Kidney Disease . It lays out a regimen that may be required such as a special diet, fluid therapy and medications. Hopefully it isn’t kidney disease and something simpler. This is the reason that your vet is requesting to do extensive testing.

However, if funds are the problem you might try contacting a university near you that has a veterinary department that will do the tests cheaply to further their research and teaching. Many years ago when money was a major issue for me, the University of Berkeley in California did numerous tests on the cat I owned at that time. They were then able to give me some answers about the condition of my cat, the disease it had, and what I was facing in the matter of long term care. I have been meaning to research what universities still perform this service. Your question has placed this task on a higher priority on my “to do list”.

I know how helpless one can feel when money isn’t available for a beloved pet and oftentimes that $15-30 a month for insurance is a good investment for critical times. But without that, please check with your local universities and see what is available, or, call the Humane Society and see if they have any programs in your area sponsored by donations that can help.

I wish you well with your little friend and hope it’s much simpler and not something serious.

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