(Above: Example of American Shorthair Cat from www.americanshorthair.net - Russeller's Cattery)
The American Shorthair is unique in the different cat breeds because it
is North America's own breed, whose ancestors were cats that came here
with the early European explorers. Records show that several cats
arrived on the Mayflower. These working cats flourished alongside their
pioneer owners and eventually established themselves as the native North
American shorthair cat...more on American Shorthair
(Above:The Birman)
Of the cat breeds with the most magical fables regarding its
origin, the Birman is the winner. It has been called "The Sacred Cat
of Burma" who inhabited a Buddhist monastery in Burma where there was an
elite colony of pure white cats with amber eyes whose job it was to
protect important documents from rats. The most favored cat was Sin...more on Birman Cat
The Ocicat
The Ocicat originated from the hybridization of the Abyssinian, Siamese
and American Shorthair, all different cat breeds. It is the only
spotted domesticated cat bred especially to emulate the cats of the
wild. The ideal Ocicat is large, active and athletic in appearance.
Solid and well-muscled, the Oci has a short, tight coat with a satin
sheen that shows off both the animal's muscles and spots...more on Ocicat
The Norwegian Forest Cat
The Norwegian Forest Cat is one of the breeds of
domestic cats native to Northern Europe. It is adapted to a very cold
climate. It has a top coat of long, water-shedding hairs and a
wool-like undercoat for insulation...more on Norwegian Forest Cat
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