cats tail bleeding

my cats tail is bleeding and he won't let me touch it to clean it, what can i do at home, i can't afford to take him to a vet at this time


You know that getting your cat to the vet is the best solution but since that is not possible try to have a friend help you to get his body wrapped in a towel so he is secured like a "mummy" or "burrito". I usually accomplish this when I have one of my cats trying not to be co-operative with getting medicine.

Get a large towel and throw it over the cat when you can get him positioned. I usually try to act innocent and have a towel in my hands that is coiled, not open, ready to throw it over my cat when he is simply walking. Once you get the towel dropped on his back, have your friend help you contain him while you wrap him securely. Once the front paws and rear paws (the strong ones like rabbit feet) are controlled, you can peel the towel up to get access to the tail and get any wound cleaned.

Put on gloves that are thick, like oven gloves to prevent injury to yourself, and try to perform your first aid. If you find that the injury is too severe, you may want to phone an animal rescue group in your area and see if they can help. The Human Society doesn't necessarily directly help with injuries but often they know who you can call to get immediate assistance when you don't have the funds to go to the vet.

If I ever win a lottery I know that I will fund all these emergencies but until then...I can only wish you good luck with helping your cat get his tail bleeding stopped...and the healing process started.

My best wished to both of you....

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Jan 03, 2018
My cat was in a fight and he is bleeding
by: Anonymous

My outside cat is very loving and always listens to me but today he was fighting another cat and when I called him he did not listen when he finally did I brought him in my house, he started scratching or licking himself and I looked away for a second when I stared at him again there was blood on the floor I tried finding the spot but he doesn’t like his back from me and kept turning to face me, what do I do

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