Blood blister

My cat has something above his eye that I thought was a cut but looks like a bubble of blood. It dried up and looked better but then started bleeding. Doesn't seem to bother him but even after it bleeds it doesn't go down. Should this be a concern or is it something that will heal on its own?


It sounds like the type of blood blister that a cat gets after being scratched by another cat and a piece of claw has been left in him. My cat that is allowed outdoors for a few hours a day had several of these instances when he got into tussles with other cats.

The first time I took him to our vet, the next time I cleansed the wound and applied pressure to squeeze out the fragment. Then applied Neosporin antiseptic ointment. It scabbed over and healed within a week.

I've done a page on cat first aid, the link follows:

Cat First Aid

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Aug 10, 2016
Thank you
by: Anonymous

We have a stray male that showed up, and, we've been doctoring him since he got here. First, it was antibiotics for what seemed like a horrible sinus infection. Then, his face swelled up. Then, the blood blister over the eye thing. We figured, it might be from fighting. But, thought it could be something serious, since he seems to have cronic problems. But, I found your explanation, and, it makes sense, because we had seen some puncture wounds nearby. Thanks. We will keep it clean and put something on it to help the healing process. I guess, we have to look forward to it popping at some point. I hope he's outside, when it happens. The good thing is, his immune system seems fine; he drinks, eats, and sleeps good. Wants lot of love, which we have too. :)

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