Big blood blister on cats under chin

by alb

It just popped and I don't know what to do... HELP PLEASE.


You have to clean the wound with an antiseptic solution or plain water and gauze(not cotton pads which leave fibers). The wound is small so you can use an antibacterial soap, rinse well.

Then all you have to do after you have dried the area is put a little antibiotic ointment on it (something like Neosporin is safe for cats). You may have to place an Elizabethan collar (looks like a lampshade)on your cat so that it can't get at the wound and take off the Neosporin.

Keep an eye on the wound for a few days to make sure that there is no infection. It should be cleared up and forming a small scab.

If your cat won't let you clean the area then wrap the cat in a towel with just the head out. This holds the paws firm and the cat can't move much.

Good luck with your cat.

Comments for Big blood blister on cats under chin

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Jul 23, 2018
blister filled with blood
by: Anonymous

its only fair to see if you could reduce pain before you end the cats life. that's always soluition to put down. I read ice bag over blister 3 times a day to reduce size stop pain. slice cumber over blister to help shrink it, 3 times a day. I am just trying it. my cat seems to relax also I rub behind her ears, her blister is in her ear. the women who puts her cat outside is 14 and bleeds is crazy. I volunteer at local shelter and have seen worst. but they still try to keep alive all that are there, no matter what.

Jan 15, 2018
Big blood Blister on the chin of my cat
by: Anonymous

My Vet said this was a sign of cancer.....that would only get worse....the blister has gotten larger, and drips blood....I cannot let her in the house as a result. She is about 14 years old, and is otherwise healthy.....The Vet said I should put her to sleep....I am too sad to do that, but, do not want her to suffer...???
Please give me your opinion...
thank you,

If the vet has confirmed its cancer, then don't let your animal suffer. I had a 15 yrs. cat that I raised from a baby got cancer in the jaw. I couldn't bear to think of her suffering and the pain is significant.

Do the right thing, as your vet suggested, and put her to sleep and out of pain. Believe me I know the emotional stress, but the guilt of letting the pain continue was something I couldn't live with.

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